Don Little Massively Trolls Bleeding Nana Agradaa As She Cries Over Her Failed Marriage


Ghanaian actor Don Little has taken a swipe at Nana Agradaa over her failed marriage in a rib-tickling video.

In the video, Don Little is dressed as a judge as he answers questions about Nana Agradaa and her failing marriage.

As a judge, Don Little has said that he has handed down a pathetic loss to Nana Agradaa since her husband quit her church.

He further insinuated that Nana Agradaa might also quit as she cannot do the lord’s work all by herself.

When Don Little’s interviewer followed up with a question concerning an appeal, Judge Little dismissed any possibilities of hearing her case.

Judge Don Little affirmed his position on a future appeal, confirming he would ensure another loss for her.

He further mocked her past by citing her infamous scam known as “Sika Gari’.

Don reiterated that he is a stern judge and would not tolerate any case from Nana Agradaa.

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