Government Commissions 40-Units Affordable Houses For Public Servants


Government has commissioned the State Housing Company Limited’s Urban Premier Court project in Adenta near Accra.The apartment project, entailing respectively two to four bedrooms, was handed over to some public and civil servants.

The project is part of Government’s affordable housing initiative to address the country’s housing challenges.

In spite of an annual supply of 40,000 housing units, the Population and Housing Census conducted in 2021 revealed that the country’s housing deficit was still in excess of 1.7 million.Mr Francis Asenso-Boakye, Minister of Works and Housing, who commissioned the project, said it was people’s desire to own homes, and for some, the basis of their tradition.

Therefore, he said, the Government was always proud to be associated with any activity associated to home ownership.‘‘If you have a place to sleep at the end of the day’s hard work, then you can say that you are living a meaningful life,’’ the Minister said.Mr Asenso-Boakye said the President was concerned about ordinary people having access to their own homes.

The Ministry, he said, recognized SHC as a strategic partner to provide mass affordable housing for people due to its presence in all the regions of the country, operating efficiently to support Government’s efforts in addressing its housing deficit.The Minister said the Company’s story was one of the many success stories of the Government

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