100 business ideas you can start with 100Ghc in 2023


Business ideas in 2022

Our goal is to share ideas with you!

Buy and sell domain names

Buy expired domain names and resell

Social media management

Setting social media profiles for others

Review products online

Write online articles

Become a Copywriter

Buy and Sell Phone Credit Cards

Buy and Sell sachet water (packs)

Book editing services

Extra classes teacher (home)

Running errands for busy business people

Sell foodstuff, from office to office(A busy business area)

Polish shoes: consider from office to office

Polish shoes, Sunday mornings or early Monday morning at bus stops

Lawn mowing, weeding grass in your neighborhood

Wash car for your neighbors/ car washing base

Offer home delivery services

Shopping for others (Fashion)

Customize Dress making

Customize shoe making

Customize necktie making

Customize lady?s accessories

Bead making

Rearing of Grass cutter

Snail farming(repeated)

Rearing of Goats for sale

Special packaged eggs

Home makeup services

MC services

Party organizer(falls under even organization)

Event organizer

Graphic designing

Teach a skill you know for a fee

Organize workshops in your area of expertise

Offer soft loans

Offer weekend braiding/plaiting of hair services

Sell beverages at church or events. Start with ?Sobolo?

Buy and sell fresh Tilapia

Speaking business, Offer to speak at programs

Business coaching services

Prepare and sell pastries

Phone repairs

Selling customized phone accessories

Selling confectioneries

Designing of websites

Mobile app developer

Photo and video editor

Audio transcription services

Spoken-word artiste

Content developer for social media

Refuse collector

Water-supplier (using Tanks/Trucks)




Home gardening

Fresh fruit Juice maker

Handy Man, (handy products)

Makeup Artiste

Pet Care

Disk Jockey

House Cleaning


Gym/Personal trainer

Music Teacher

Book Keeper





Recycling pickup

Software training


Travelling Salon

Smartphone repair

Contractor connector

Produce Buying and Resale/Supply

Fruit Supply


Fashion Accessory Business


Ice Kenkey Vendor

Fruit Vendor/Outlet.

Direct Sales Marketer.

News Article Editor

Water Melon Farming

Mushroom Farming


Home Laptop Repair Centre

Home Laundry Service Provider

Liquid Soap Making Business

House-Helps Home Directory Service

Leatherworks Accessories.

T-Shirt Designs and Embossing

Arts and Craft

Public Speaker


Interior Decor

Customized African Slippers

We came up with ideas that you can run with or modify to suit your situation, if utilized properly based on required prerequisite for the specific business, it will work to your benefit; you will make some money and also may learn from your failures. The best is yours!.

It does not cost anything for you to dream the the keep the ball balancing.

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