#FixTheCountry demonstrators take over Tamale

 Occupants of Tamale in the Northern Locale have conquered the cool harmattan climate to join the #FixTheCountry Development exhibit.They depicted the occasion too coordinated and joined in.

At each convergence they crossed, the demonstrators held up traffic for near 20 minutes.

Wearing red and dark, they sang devoted melodies while they waved notices with engravings, 'fix the nation', 'survey the constitution', 'another constitution now', and 'safeguard columnists', among others.

The Convenor of the gathering, Oliver Barker-Vormawor, had demanded coordinators controlling demonstrators to guarantee a tranquil and effective showing as opposed to cops.

The gathering began from Celebration Park through to the Police Base camp region, through Teshigu to the Agric traffic signal, and afterward the Water Works region prior to going to the town place.

Addressing JoyNews, an individual from the #FixTheCountry Development said the constitution had outlasted its value hence the requirement for survey.

He said the exhibit is to order marks to be introduced to Parliament to push for a revision.

"We as a whole know the PNDC regulations were converged into the 1992 constitution, a great deal of these regulations which were placed in there were intended to incline toward certain legislators in this country.

"As a matter of fact, Nana Addo in 1995 during the Kume Preku showing said there were a great deal of disturbance charges which were implanted in the constitution which should have been struck out.

"Today, he's similarly seizing more expense, are they there to serve Ghanaians or themselves?" he addressed.

He said there are a few parts in the constitution which try to serve a couple of elites.

"So portions of the constitution have outlasted their helpfulness and to that end we are saying we really want to survey it. Indeed, even the Parliament house where they sit to make the regulations has been redesigned on many times why not our constitution?" he said.

That's what he added on the off chance that the parliamentarians won't revise the constitution, they will keep on social event marks from Ghanaians to show that a many individuals in the nation need the constitution checked on

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