How to Boost Your Ovulation and Get Pregnant Easily.

 Please take this seriously because it has helped a lot of women to conceive without stress. When your ovulation cycle is disrupted, you find it very difficult to take in.

So you need to build your ovulation cycle and make it static, in order to be able to get pregnant easily.

There are 3 different items you need to use to achieve this effect. These items are very common in Africa.

1. Guava leaves.

2. Aidan.

3. Okra.


Step 1: Get about 3 Aidan and cut them into pieces. Then you get enough guava leaves, wash both of them thoroughly with water and salt. Boil them together with enough water until the water turns brown.

Then sieve(Filter) to separate the leaves from the juice. Take one cup every morning before breakfast and every night before you sleep. That is to say, you will be taking it two times daily.

It must be taken when it is warm and during menstruation too, in order to be very effective.

Step 2: Get about 7 fingers of okra. Cut them into pieces and soak with water in a plastic jar. Make sure it stays overnight.

Sieve(filter) it to separate the okra seed from the juice. Then take it two times daily, before breakfast and before bed. One cup for each dose.

It must be taken after menstruation, you will have to take it from 3 days during which you must be meeting with your husband. If you do it exactly as I have stated, you must testify.

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