20 million Trees To Be Planted Nationwide On Friday – Jinapor Land Minister


The Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Samuel Abu Jinapor has said 20million trees are going to be planted on Friday June 10 during the Green Ghana Da

He said this while addressing a press conference in Parliament on Wednesday June 8 regarding the exercise. The theme for this year’s Green Ghana Day exercise is “Mobilizing for a Greener Future”.

The Minister said that efforts at restoring Ghana’s forests in the past had not been effective and forceful, hence, the Green Ghana Project which was to drive efforts towards an aggressive afforestation programme to restore the lost forest cover of Ghana which contributes to the global efforts to fight climate change.

“Since 1900, Ghana has lost a whopping 80 per cent of its forest cover and therefore, we have a crisis situation, climate change is reaching a tipping point and Ghana, as respected member of the international community is contributing its quota to the global efforts at halting climate change,” Mr Jinapor indicated.

“I want to thank the Speaker of Parliament and the Honourable members of the August House of Parliament for being very supportive and enthusiastic about this year’s Green Ghana Day.

“Indeed, as you may be aware ,the Speaker has just announced that Parliament will not sit on Friday. This is to enable Members of Parliament travel to their constituencies to lead their constituents in participating in this year’s Green Ghana Day. We want to thank the speaker for this momentous decision. That gives us great impetus and gives us a lot of momentum moving forward to Friday,” he said.

The Damongo lawmaker added “This year, we have decided to plant 10illion seedlings in on-reserve compartments and plant 10 other million seedlings across the country – in schools, church compounds, mosques and on the streets, in our homes, and in public areas of our country.

“We are planting 10million in forest reserve and planting 10milliona cross the country. we are calling on all Ghanaians, all residents of Ghana and all persons who will be visiting Ghana to join forces with the government and join forces with the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources and the Forestry Commission or us to be able to make this noble undertaking and momentous undertaking and resounding success.”

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