Okada Rider jailed 15 years for robbery

 Emmanuel Waki, otherwise known as Pocket, who looted a walker's cell phone close to the Ghana Police Administration Central command, has been condemned to 15 years detainment by an Accra Circuit Court.

Waki committed the demonstration when the Assessor General of Police (IGP), Dr George Akuffo Dampare and his guardians, and the Police Supervisory group had gotten back from observational group obligations on Monday, December 19, 2022, and were entering the Police central command.

The guardians of the IGP got Salifu Alhaji, an associate, who was additionally at the scene, and he drove the Police to capture Waki at his home at Fadama in Accra.

Waki, a 21-year-old Okada rider, confessed to the charges of connivance to perpetrate a wrongdoing and burglary.

The Court, directed by Mr Samuel Splendid Acquah, condemned Waki to 10 years detainment on the charge of connivance and 15 years detainment on the charge of burglary.

The sentences are to simultaneously run.

The 24-year-old claimed associate, Salifu Alhaji, otherwise known as Malika, likewise an Okada rider, in any case, denied any bad behavior.

The court has remanded Alhaji into Police care to return on January 17.

The indictment, drove by Reviewer Isaac Babayi, went against the award of bail for Alhaji.

The indictment portrayed that on Monday December 19, 2022, at around 2010 hours, the IGP and his guardians got back from their routine observational obligations.

While remaining before the Police central command, group detected a motorbike rider riding in a dubious way from the Ghana Fire Administration base camp course heading towards the Arko Adjei Exchange.

The arraignment let the Court know that the rider abruptly redirected from the endorsed path he should use to the contrary path confronting approaching vehicles.

It said on arriving at the passerby asphalt inverse the CID base camp, the rider grabbed the cell phone of a then sitting tight walker for a vehicle and hurried off.

The arraignment said the passerby (casualty) endeavored to pursue the rider however without much of any result.

It said the protectors of the IGP who saw the wrongdoing from a good ways, thus, pursued the rider and in no time flat, they confronted Alhaji who was then utilizing a red Apsonic engine bicycle with enlistment number M-20-GR-6987. Alhaji bore similarity to the culprit thus he was given him over for examinations.

The indictment said during examinations, Alhaji denied the offense however referenced Waki as the person who burglarized the walker since he (Alhaji) spotted Waki on his motorbike and Waki hurried off from the bearing of the burglary upon the arrival of the episode.

It said Alhaji likewise made sense of that he had stopped his motorbike before the Congregations of God Church, along the Ghana Foundation of Reporting course.

The indictment said on December 20, 2022, Alhaji drove the Police to the home of Waki at Old Fadama where he was captured.

During examinations, Waki owned up to the offense.

The indictment said Waki additionally admitted to offering the cell phone to one Mohammed at GHS300.00.

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